Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Hi. How long has it been, blogger? Im sorry I didn't have a computer up until a few weeks ago. Not that many people really read my blog >.> So, I apoligize. I really do. And nowww.... A POST IS NEEDEDD!!!

Alright, As you know, We are in the month of November~! When you think about November youre thinking about turkeys and multi colored leaves. But do you know what the young adult author thinks about? NANO!!!!!!!!!!!! NANO Is basically a self-challange to try and write a whole novel (10,000 words) In just November. You start on November 1st and end on November 30th! I know I will try and participate and Lauren of Center Stage is definately in it as well. And if I don't finish? Well then I'll drag it into December. The idea of this novel? Funny you ask...

My story will be about a Elizabeth The 1st story, a princess from a far away land that is still in the Mediveal Period yet its the 21st century everywhere else. She is being forced to marry a prince from another kingdom and cannot give up the throne becauseonce you are on the throne you are the crown until death so she runs away with her best friend (a peasant) to the USA! I already know im gonna have a blast writing!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Maybe Shakespeare Had a Point

It was Shakespeare that once said, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Until a few years ago I had interpreted that wrong. By "beholder" I always thought he had meant, "the person that beholds you" decides whether your beautiful or not.But I wasn't even close.

When I look in the mirror I don't see beauty. I see long dark brown curls, dull brown eyes and freckles. I dont see what other people see. No one does. When I walk in the streets, I always keep a straight face, a face that says, "Just don't talk to me and we will be alright." Im a shy girl, maybe because I don't like my apperance.

I always judge beauty on the faces on tv, and the models and what not. But I shouldn't be. Just as Shakespeare said, beauty is only in your eyes. You decide whether you're beautiful. And you shouldn't let others tell you any different.

It was a wise friend that once told me, "If you feel beautiful, you will be beautiful to everyone around you." If you have courage and faith in the way you look, then other people will sense those feelings. You must first believe you're beautiful for others to believe so. Have a nice day!


Thursday, August 19, 2010

I've tagged myself :D

Okay, so here is a very long tag post thing from Laurea! Love you Reaaa <3

Where's your phone right now?

Broken at the moment.

Do you have any plans for the weekend?
I think I have a party, that of one of my best friend actually

Has someone ever made you a promise and broke it?
Totally. Isn't that a part of life?

Last movie/DVD watched?
Hmmm... I think it was Clash of the Titans

Does anything hurt on your body?
My head is KILLING ME. It's hurt all night. :(

How are you?
A bit sad. My life is on my phone, and I dont know when I'll be getting another one.

Are you excited for next year?
Mhm. The older you get, the more freedom you have.

Is your room clean?
Its iffy.

How many pillows do you sleep with?

What are you doing?
This very, VERY long tag, and thinking about life

I bet you miss somebody right now?

What are you planning on doing after this?
I should probably do my summer reading. Eh.

Have you ever read an entire book in one day?
I've read 3 books in one day...

Who did you push last?
Probably my good friend Kevin. I'm an abusive person.

Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Most likely Rea.

Do you own any band t-shirts?
Um no, but my brother does and If I feel like it I could probably wear one so indirectly, yes.

What does your hair look like right now?
Its stringy and curly and dark and smooth-ish. Very frizzy at the crown though.

Has anyone ever told you that you were their best friend?
Many times.

Did you get hurt today?
Not at the moment. But im very clumsy.

When was the last time you felt upset?
Im upset on a daily basis. Hello? Hormones.

What are you looking forward to?
School to start. 8th grade, FINALLY!

Do you currently want something?
Who is going to be in my classes for the school year.

What was the last thing you had to drink?
Um a cup of tea before bed last night.

Who was the last person you said "i love you" to?
Um my dad last night before i went to bed.

Where are you?
Sitting on an uncomfortable chair in my dining room.

Do you like to walk in the rain?
Yes. The sound of the gentle pattering seems to soothe me.

Do you like looking up at the stars?
I love it. Its so beautiful, the night sky.

Do you think you are a nice person?
Um I can be, but sometimes when I choose not to be, you had better be prepared.

Do you like swimming?
Totally, water is like the best thing ever!

Have you ever swam in the ocean?
A really long time ago, I did. In the Dominican Republic (My homeland)

Do you go to school?
Yes. Im quite fond of it actually. And if it involved less work and no homework, it'd be my favorite place to be.

Do you want to go to college?
Of course I do.

What do you want to be?
I want to be a marine biologist, that or a fashion designer.

Do you want kids?
Of course I do! Being able to hug a bundle of joy and call it my own? I cant wait to be a mother!

Do you like going to the beach?

Who is the last person you went to the mall with?
I do believe it was with my friend Mel.

Have you ever had any x-rays?'
Everyone does when they go to the dentist

Who do you hate right now?
I hate alot of people.

Who is the last person you yelled at?
My brother, last night. He was being ridiculous in the funny way.

Who was the last to cook you food?
Me. Psh I cook myself food.

Are you in a complicated relationship?
Currently, yes. But I cant tell ANYONE or else I will be killed. :D

What did you do 2 nights ago?
Ummmm hmmm I went out with a few of my friends to hit the town.

Who was the last person you were on the phone with?
My mommaaa

Does a hug make you feel better?
Depends who its from.

How long ago did you hug someone?
Ummm I think yesterday

Anything good happening tomorrow?
Well it will be friday...

Have you kissed more than ten people this year?
Well family? Then yes. And one guy.

Do you have unlimited texting?

Will you keep your last name when you get married?
Totally. My name is so long and weird.

You have to get a piercing, what do you get?
I really want to get a nose stud.

Have you ever felt like someone of the opposite sex truly cared about you?

Who was the last friend you got into a big argument with?
Hmm... I think it was Mel. Idk.

Your phone is ringing. It's the person you fell hardest for, what do you say?
How did you get my number?

Will you be in a relationship in the next couple months?
I already am...

Did you have any unread text messages when you woke up today?
Again, no phone.

Do you want to see somebody right now?
I'd like to.

Do you think two people can last forever?
True love, hun, true love.

When was the last time you had a late night phone call?
Last night.

If you could move somewhere else, would you?
Not really. I like my new town.

Would you be able to date someone who doesn't make you laugh?
No way. Laughing is a MUST

Has anyone ever sang to you?
Um yes

When was the last time you bit someone?
Um I think I might have bitten Mel. I dunno

Do you think you can love someone without trusting them?
Are you like insane? No way.

Is there someone who you can spend every minute with and be happy?
Totally. All my friends. :D

Last person to make you smile?
My brother a few seconds ago.

Have you ever wasted too much time on a certain boy?
Have you heard of obsession?

How was last night?
It was nice. I had a killer head-ache though.

If you're being extremely quiet, what does it mean?.
Im probably shunning someone.

Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
Totally. Sometimes when you fall you need time to get back up.

Do you have trust issues?
Yeah. A few of my friends cant keep their mouths shut! (Not you rea, or mel)

Was this a good weekend?
The weekend is two days away.

Were you happy when you woke up today?
Yes, Yes I was. Because it is a beautiful day.

Now just tag yourself and get on with it! I love you all,


Friday, August 13, 2010

Back to School Frets

It may just be August but next month is the month all summer-kids dread. Back.To.School. And going back to school can be tough for all of us. "What if theres mean teachers? Bullies? What if im not prepared?" Well, here's my input.
Mean teachers. Whether we like it or not, sometimes there's people (including teachers) that we'll butt heads with. And honestly, theres really nothing you can do about it. If you two don't agree, that doesnt stop you from doing well. If your grades are down but you KNOW you earned a higher grade, then THATS a problem. If you talk it over with your teacher you should probably come to an agreement.

Bullies. Those are a real problem. Whether its you or someone else, bullying is a real pain. If theres someone getting bullied, you should totally help them out! And if its you, then you have all the right to stand up for yourself. No one, and I mean no one, has the right to judge you or make fun of you for being different. My friend said to me, "There are no such things as imperfections. Just differences." And that is soooo true. Just because you're different doesnt mean your not perfect! Because everyone is perfect in their own way. No matter WHO tells you different.

Being un-prepared. Now this is an easy one. Remember last year, your teachers? Well its kind of their jobs to prepare you for the next year. So trust me, you have nothing to worry about. Well then again if your teachers were lousy, THEN you'll have something to worry about.


(P.S. Happy Friday the 13th!!!)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Birthday, America

As we all know, it was the 4th of July yesterday which represents the day that America got its freedom from England which is why that day is also called Independence day. Yesterday, as I was watching the fireworks in the cloudless sky, I realized that we are celebrating all wrong. I mean Independence day is a day of celebrating, but it should also be the day to remember those who have fallen for our freedom. Now-a-days we celebrate with barbeques and picnics and fireworks, but we have lost the true meaning of independence day!
So I'm here to say Happy Birthday, America! You've been through alot, and still are going through alot. But I'm proud of you for sticking through. Its been a long time since you've got some appreciation. We all love you America, and we always will. Happy Birthday, America!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Anime Face, Part 1

This is only Part 1, my little prettiesss...

Friday, June 18, 2010

Some of my photography!

Hello All! Im not sure if you knew this, but I am also an avid picture-taker! Here is some of my work! Feed-back please! =D

Tomorrow I'll be posting my first picture tutorial!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Ok, Lets hear what you have to say!

This week is going tobe all about the reason I am blogging: for my followers! I want you guys to ask me any questions, about anything you think i can help with! I can be about a boy or about clothes, ANYTHING! I am here for you!! Btw, I just got GIMP, so, in which case, I might have a contest soon and some one MIGHTTTT win a background. MIGHT! But either way!
Alright, since I have nothing to say at this very moment, Im going to make a list of what you should do everyday!
1. Get up!
2.Brush your teeth
4.Fly on your unicorn!!
5.You go get those Cornflakes!!
6.Dont kill the president!!!
8.The 3 R's! (Rip, Razzlefrazzle, Rudolf!)
9.Sing your favorite song on your head

Monday, May 10, 2010

Funny Vlog on Youtube as well as CS!!!

Me and my best friend Laurea made a vlog. Its certainly unique... and nooby... because its our first one!! But still go to:


And Im the one holding Artemis! Im sorry about the "shirt" thing. Its really provocative and inappropriate but it was really fun. Comment on mine or hers. Follow her too! Sorry about my voice and my... face >.>

And its ALSO on youtube!!! We're cute and ridiculous!!! I know, you love us ;D
The Youtube URL:


I love you all!!


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How to get better at...well..anything!

I know there is one thing that everyone want's to improve on, whether its hitting that one note or doing that one soccer move. One thing that you definately need to keep in mind: PERSERVERENCE! You have to keep at it if you want to be any good! I, for one, want to be a better singer. And Rea if you comment saying "But you're already insanely amazing!" Im biting your hand off at lunch tomorrow, ok? DON'T BACKSASS ME, MISSY! *ahem* Sorry, Lost my composure there... ehehe... So, anyways, you also have to practice, practice, practice. Ok? So, I practce singing everyday! Also, you honesetly have to keep at it and never give up on yourself. A wise woman once told me, "If you don't think you can do something, you never will do it. You have to always believe in yourself even when no one else does."
Ok, so, Im getting my camera back soon (left it at my grandmas) and when I work out all the dumbness, I will try to upload legit picture tutorials!!! Aren't you all EXCITED?!?! Also, I've taken up making comics so you'll see that some time too! Remember, if you have ANY idead, just comment. Because I <3 COMMENTS!!!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

First tutorial: How to be Popular

Ok, so this is the first tutorial on Tutorial Heaven, and its really special to me. The tutorial is going to be about the timeless quest in a average teenage girl's life: Popularity. And no, I don't mean the teeny-top wearing, boy chasing, think-its-so-cool-to-talk-about-people-behind-their-backs kind of popular, I mean the real kind of popular. The litteral meaning of popular is:
pop·u·lar   /ˈpɒpyələr/ Show Spelled[pop-yuh-ler] Show IPA
1.regarded with favor, approval, or affection by people in general: a popular preacher.
Not ANYWHERE does it say "those who are snobby and think they're better then everyone else" Ok? So thats not it. The first thing you have to concentrate on it being nice to EVERYONE! And by everyone, I mean everyone. That is, I have to say, one of THE most important goals if you want to be popular. The second thing, try to keep yourself clean. Wash your hair regularly, brush your teeth, wear CLEAN clothes. And that doesnt mean you have to spend a fortune buying the "latest fashions" that are going to go out of style in like the next minute. It means to just keep clean. Also, don't wearing uncomfortable things or things that "totally aren't you" Clothes are a form of self-expression and you shouldn't dress yourself up in a way you absolutely dispise. The third thing, always be true to yourself. Don't fake anything to be a popular. If they want someone your not, or are telling you how to run your life, they don't want you for you and they don't value your friendship. That doesnt mean if they tell you, "You have a stain on your shirt" that you should storm off in a bloody rampage. Just use your common-sense! And don't let them change you. Always be you were made the way you are for a reason, and you are truly beautiful the way you are: inside and out. So, go out there and make a statement! You can comment with any additional questions you may have, I don't mind, I <3 comments, didn't you see the blinky?? I worked really hard on this post, so please appreciate it, comment, kiss the computer screen, print it out and frame it, I don't know. But just remember how much I love ya!!


Friday, April 16, 2010

New Blog/ Im Really Dedicated

Hi guys, its Artemis!!! I know I deleted BTWLP, and im very sorry, but I really wasnt inspired by that. Here on Tutorial Heaven, any kind of tutorial you ask, I will try my best to give you! By any tutorial, I mean any kind you want, Im not claiming to know everything, or how to DO everything, but I will try my best! Also, I am really dedicated to this, and it really would help if I had some follows and some people actually LEFT comments! I'd be overjoyed actually, if some people actually cared about my constant checking for comments -.- Well either way, please do follow and comment and I will try my BEST to get some tutorials out soon! Love you all!